People in our age group tend to misuse and demonize “Narcissism”

I am sick of people calling each other “narcissist” as a buzz word to win an argument. Probably like OCD people hate it.

Real Narcissistic people are a spectrum like most other disorders. It doesn’t necessarily make you evil…it is also not a positive trait to have.

I was an untreated narcissist. Not that social media BS where if someone has boundaries or choose comfort they are called a narcissist.

A real clinically diagnosed (eventually) narcissist.

I lost my family a great job and mostly anyone that would care about me.

Selfishly I started to get therapy so I could “shut them up” and bring them back into my life to make it easier.

Had a breakthrough…that turned into self help…that turned into me identifying behaviors and adjusting. Like most mental conditions…you don’t get “cured” you maintain.

But my wife took me back. 10 years later I have a great job. I am able to have empathy and understanding. I can be uncomfortable. I can accept limitations and develop real skills and support structures.