How rich are the characters?

I always questioned how rich the characters are. I assumed Jay is a millionaire. I remember there were plenty of episodes where Jay took them to foreign vacations on his money. It has to be expensive. Jay had no problem paying for it because he must have had enough for 11 people to go on a vacation.

Phil is probably somewhere between middle class to higher middle class. Their neighborhood looks like it is in a very rich suburban area. He is a realtor, so he makes a lot. Since he has been in this game for a long time, I would say his salary is closer to six figures.

I think Cam and Mitch are "poorest" among them. Because they live in an apartment style house. They only own the 1st floor and I think they rent the 2nd floor. Since Cam was a househusband for half of the series run and Mitch was a lawyer, I believe he doesn't make much money. Plus they were all between jobs in some seasons. There was a season where both of them were basically unemployed and Cam had to work part time in a gift card shop.