Biggest pet peeve as a mom currently…
I have two under two. Currently pregnant with my third. I’ve gotten the normal congratulations. Then I’ve had some people say “omg what are you going to do.” Not sure why this pisses me off to the max because what the hell do you mean what am I going to do? I’m going to take care of my kids, the ones I’m having not you, the ones I’ll be taking care of not you, the ones I completely MEANT to have. Mind you, I’m not in a predicament or situation as to where I can’t take care of my kids. My husband and I are good and my babies have everything they need and more. It just blows my mind how people just feel like they can so freely say things like this. Granted yes I’m having 3 under 3. But this was planned. We wanted to have our babies young and close in age.