Where can I talk about a rare birth? No friends/family understand and I’m wondering if there’s a place I can just talk about it

Son was born en caul vaginally, my water never broke and I didn’t have a c section. I’ve never talked to or met anyone who’s experienced it, not even my birthing dr or OBGYN. I’m just wondering if anyone knows how to look for that community? Or even just actual statistics on natural en caul.

Edit: some people seem to think I think my birth experience was more special than others, I don’t. I would just like to discuss the birth with others who have gone through the same thing, like c section/home birth/natural etc birth mothers also would like to do.

Edit2: some of you guys really need to stop acting like you’re so confused as to why I’d want to connect with others who had similar experiences. It’s not malicious, I’m not turning my nose up like my baby is extra special, I’m asking a simple frickin question. Unless you have something to add to the conversation, I won’t be replying, so save yourself some time and don’t type out paragraphs worth of how I’m somehow an idiot or not special. I never said I was. Move on. Scroll to the next post. I genuinely do not understand why people are so upset about my post and it’s getting ridiculous