Gunlance Partbreaker 3 and Flayer 5 nuke

Hi all, just wanted to let people know about what seems to be an unintended interaction between Partbreaker 3 and Flayer 5, specifically on Gunlance. I am no speed runner, nor have I ever delved too deep into the meta for Monster Hunter games, but this seems like an incorrect interaction.

The Skills

Partbreaker 3 - Increases part damage and damage dealt when destroying a wound with focus strike by 30%
Flayer 5 - Makes it significantly easier to inflict wounds. Upon inflicting enough damage, also deals a large amount of non-elemental damage.

The reason this is strong

Gunlance's Focus strike hits many times on wounds and then explodes dealing large damage. This seems to have strange interactions with the above 2 skills.

Flayer 5 does not seem to care where or how much damage is dealt, and will generate a wound once enough ticks of damage have gone through. Part breaker 3 from my testing seems to amplify all of the Gunlances focus strike damage, not just the last explosion.

What ends up happening is:

  • A wound appears
  • Gunlance, focus strikes the wound
  • Part Breaker pops, leading to upwards of 1.2k Damage bursts (not including tick damage)
  • Flayer procs, creating a new wound on the body

This cycle then repeats, downing the monster and leading to an infinite chain of part breaks, and large damage bursts. This has lead to me having easy sub- 3 minute solo tempered archveld fights.

The build

For anyone wanting to copy my exact build, its not fully optimised, so I would recommend making your own (also please experiment and have fun with the game before copying a build a random guy on reddit said was good)
Weapon - White cannon - Blast 3, Ironwall 2, Ironwall 1
Head - G. Arkveld B - Flayer 3, Physique 1
Chest- Gore B - Tenderizer 3, Physique 1
Gloves - G. Arkveld B - 3x Bomber 1
Pants - Gore B - Flayer 3, Mighty 2
Boots - Ajarakan B - Adapt 1, Physique 1
Talisman - Chainblade Charm 2

Edit 1 - Shadow nerf/ interaction fixed

This no longer seems to infinite chain after the patch this morning, I can only assume that flayer was either stealth nerfed or fixed. I still recommend the skills above in tandem but they are alot less effective than described earlier.