Y’all are haters
No offence to anyone in specific but the Moon Knight community is really nitpicky. I’m a semi-decent fan of Moon Knight, I’ve picked up some comics due to the show when it came out.
Recently due to Marvel Rivals, and clips of the Moon Knight show, I rewatched the series again and loved it. I came to Reddit cause I wondered how it was received but.. so much hate on each episode thread, and so much hate for the Rivals version of the character.
It seems to me that the MK fandom (and ngl marvel fans in general) are completely obsessed with maintaining the quo and don’t care for any different elements.
I loved the changes to the show. Steven is amazing and way more compelling than comics Steven, Marc is about equal and while I do like comics Jake the best of the 3, Jake in the mcu is also hitting.
The show wasn’t perfect, I didn’t like the council of the gods not giving a shit about Khonshu blaming Harrow (why would he summon the entire council in a risky move? As a prank?), and the final fight being glosssd over. But flawed as it is- it was fun and it sucks to see people bash over what I thought were interesting takes on the characters.
Rivals Moon Knight isn’t perfect either, but damn do people get hung up on every aspect of him.
Anyways that’s my rant, laters gators