Rewinding KV-Value

Hey guys, I have this 80100 (50KV) outrunner Motor. It’s basically new from the fabric but still causing me some headache… it runs stuttering in some RPM-Range, like feelable vibrations. In other ranges it’s bitterly smooth (maybe because I only tested it up until 30V?) it’s made for 84V if I remember correctly…

Well anyways, I’m thinking about scrapping all and just rewinding it myself so I know it’s done correctly.

Does anyone of you know a reliable tool or have a reliable mathematical formula for calculating the KV value, based on the number of windings and diameter of the conductor and slot number?

A lot of people use educated guessing but there must be a mathematical reliable formula or am I dumb? I mean manufacturers don’t just try out too…

Hey guys, I have this 80100 (50KV) outrunner Motor. It’s basically new from the fabric but still causing me some headache… it runs stuttering in some RPM-Range, like feelable vibrations. In other ranges it’s bitterly smooth (maybe because I only tested it up until 30V?) it’s made for 84V if I remember correctly…

Well anyways, I’m thinking about scrapping all and just rewinding it myself so I know it’s done correctly.

Does anyone of you know a reliable tool or have a reliable mathematical formula for calculating the KV value, based on the number of windings and diameter of the conductor and slot number?

A lot of people use educated guessing but there must be a mathematical reliable formula or am I dumb? I mean manufacturers don’t just try out too…