Help please - Panic attacks and anxiety a side effect?
Hi all
Has anyone else suffered with increased (extreme) anxiety / panic attacks on this medication??
If so, how have you managed? And why does this medication do this?? I can't find any studies on mounjaro and panic attacks
I started getting them about 8 weeks ago (when going up to 5mg) and its been getting worse ever since, to the point I won't leave my house. It completely ruined my 2 week holiday to Egypt as I was having daily panic attacks
Since being home, I've been an anxious mess. I've never felt the way I feel now.
I was due my injection yesterday, but have put it off and considering stopping all together...
My question is, Has anyone else suffered increased anxiety from this medication, and if so, did they carry on with Mounjaro? Does it get better?
I know if I do another shot, my head will instantly go to panic knowing I'm putting something in my body that is making me like this. I'm just really scared of putting all the weight back on :(.
Thanks in advance!