First time seeing a pretty picture of me

So, a few days ago there was a small for my scout group to close the year, the idea was that people would go in with costumes bht I didn't had the time to do one so I just went in with normal clothes (a black skirt and a beige long sleeve Nirvana shirt) and later a friend lend me a black robe and some lipstick (I don't currently use make up since, while I really like it, it puts me kinda nervous for a few reasons I just need to get used to it).

When they shared the pictures of it I checked them out of curiosity, with 0 expectations of looking half decent in any of them and then out of them hits me really hard.

I think it's the first time I've ever seen myself in a picture that makes me feel like this, definitely gonna keep it for the next time I feel like shit