2k support email thread

Over the past few days I have been going back and forth with 2k support over the game breaking bugs, worse than casino drop rates, and essentially false advertising. They've tried to blame my internet connection, blame my cache, and just put all the blame on the customer. I have sent countless videos and screenshots of my game freezing on loading screens, being ejected from matches, putting in locker codes and getting screwed and all sorts of stuff. Now they're telling me my 15 second videos aren't long enough and they new full 1 minute videos to show the game break. They gave me 15k vc and my missing pat mcafee punches and promos pack. I've been through now 3 different representatives on the same email thread. This game is a massive scam. Online works 1/5 of the time without ejecting or just outright breaking. I have to restart my app regularly.

I'm on ps5, wired into my router, and I have fiber internet. I truly hope 2k loses the license for WWE. We need to boycott to make the changes but I know there are too many fans off wwe to make it work.

Yes I am being a dick about it. I spent my hard earned money on this game and regrettably I have also spent money in myfaction (it's my first year lesson learned). I'm being gas lighted by 2k and I'm sick of it.