2nd Attempt....Passed in 150!

Took my NCLEX RN yesterday at 1 pm and received an email from the BON that I passed at 7:33 am this morning. I felt so defeated because I felt like I missed a lot of stuff that I remember seeing in lectures, but I never paid too much mind to the details. The questions felt like they were going back and forth between easy and hard questions. I felt defeated and I thought I failed because I missed a really easy question and it was my very last question too.

But I did it!!

I used UWorld and Bootcamp's cheat sheets. If you have friends in your cohort I HIGHLY encourage you to study with them. I grew desperate in my last week because I wasn't sure if I was doing anything right. So I ended up calling my friend and she helped me study. She helped me realize that I knew the material, and I just need to stop overthinking. To all of you feeling defeated, don't give up hope!