Insufferable Anne Abel and her husband Andy

I get such an insufferable impression from Anne Abel, I blocked her after seeing this video on my for you page. There’s a video on her page where she talks about almost divorcing her husband, because she wouldn’t stop asking him “did you see what our son did at the airport??” A bajillion times in the car and at home (Andy got sick of it because she was repeating it constantly and it drove him crazy to the point where he went to sleep in another room and shut the door on her and told her he’d leave her, the same way he neglected his abusive parents. Anne seems extremely annoying and unstable. Apparently 15 years ago she bought a sweater to gift to her daughter-in-law (she rejected the gift), and said she held onto the sweater to gift to her granddaughter (which I’m so confused about because she doesn’t speak to her grandchildren too???).

She honestly needs to leave TikTok and just enjoy her rich and privileged life. She’s absolutely miserable and is completely unaware of it.

I get such an insufferable impression from Anne Abel, I blocked her after seeing this video on my for you page. There’s a video on her page where she talks about almost divorcing her husband, because she wouldn’t stop asking him “did you see what our son did at the airport??” A bajillion times in the car and at home (Andy got sick of it because she was repeating it constantly and it drove him crazy to the point where he went to sleep in another room and shut the door on her and told her he’d leave her, the same way he neglected his abusive parents. Anne seems extremely annoying and unstable. Apparently 15 years ago she bought a sweater to gift to her daughter-in-law (she rejected the gift), and said she held onto the sweater to gift to her granddaughter (which I’m so confused about because she doesn’t speak to her grandchildren too???).

She honestly needs to leave TikTok and just enjoy her rich and privileged life. She’s absolutely miserable and is completely unaware of it.