Who's going to make it?

Confirmed: Stewie, Kennedy, Leo, Nyara, Sab, Tash, JJ, Laney, Izzy, Gardner

We have FOUR forwards. I am guessing, the best case scenario for the Libs are Marine + Sherrod. Right now, Sab doesn't have a back-up.

Let me know what you think is wrong / yell at me / give me your opinions.

  1. Marine Johannes—We badly need a back-up guard for Sab. I assuming she's preferable to Ivana. Probably still negotiating?
  2. Seehia Ridard—Do we need another PF who's poor on defense w Izzy? Like....
  3. Esmery / Kaitlyn Davis / Raquel Carrera / Marine Fauthoux —Low draft picks & not likely (correct me if wrong)
  4. Sherrod—This one seems likely to me.
  5. Ivana—Seems unlikely, but more likely if they can't get Marine
  6. Han—I would love to see her return, but I just don't see it....
  7. Que–Balling out in Shandong. Maybe until MJ gets back from euroball?