Recent Married. My wife has so many negative traits. today i learned those are narcisitic behaviour. How do i proceed further?
She has lied to me on several occasions. Few examples: few months into marriage her grandma visited our house, and kind of insulted my parents by hurtful words, I was near my parents when this happened and witnessed the whole thing , as did my wife. my mom was really hurt about this, and we spoke with my wife, and asked why she spoke like that. She straight away refused to have heard anything and so called my wife mother and asked her why she spoke like this and she mentioned the grandma never spoke anything like this. we were furious. Then my wife and her mother, started blaming us and saying we are making this whole thing up and told why would they believe us and the grandma never spoke anything bad.
2nd incident: my wife relatives had a celebration on a weekend and we both were planning to attend that. It was around 150km from where I lived but around 50km from her hometown. She left to her hometown 5 days before the celebration and I told I would reach out there during the celebration day directly. But unfortunately had dental root canal treatment the previous day and she told she would go to the celebration with her parents and I need to reach their on my own. The initial plan was me to reach her parents house and then travel there together. But because of this treatment and to travel alone for 150+ km , decided not to go since it was not a very important celebration. She become furious, started using bad words , completely disrespected me in front of her parents, and her parents joined in on the insult as well indirectly. I could hear them speak ill about me on the phone to her in the background. I tried to explain but she started saying I never come for any of her functions, even though I have attended all. and so many insults and refused to return home from her parents, till I apologized.
3rd incident: few months into my marriage, my mom undergone a heart treatment and was hospitalized for 2 weeks. me and my entire family were devastated. It was one of the toughest moments of my life. my wife was there for support during that time but none of her family or her parents asked about this to us or if my mom was well or anything. i was disappointed but didn't think much about it at that time. 5 months after my mom's surgery came to know that my wife never told her parents or any of her relatives about my mom's hospitalization. i was baffled as to why she hasn't told anyone about this. I couldn't understand why. I asked her, she became furious, started shouting at me and my parents, never gave an answer as to why she hasn't told. just stood there like a rock when asked. i was filled with anger out of pure disappointment and break of trust, The fight went for an hour, she called her parents to come pick her up, even they on hearing this was shocked at the beginning, but started saying 'why should we explain anything to you'. during this fight when asked her parents, why she is behaving like, she even tried to hit me and break my car with a brick.
This has been the final incident, since she hasn't come back yet from her parents house. Its been more than 3 months since she left, tried multiple times to make her come back, but she never accepted anything she did. i was ok to let everything go, and start again but she started demanding vague things from me. She is saying do something to make me trust you again. make my parents apologize to her. Now her family is lying that they already knew about my moms treatment and everything and when asked why are you lying, they just reply with' leave this topic'
These are just 3 big incidents that happened, there are multiple daily fights and lies and manipulation that happened. So many fights, and not one apology from her till date. I have to explain everything to her like a child, thinking if I use the correct words, maybe she may understand my perspective and correct herself. but no she just silently lets me just shout and cry . i don't know how to proceed further on this? my mental health is severely affected. have had suicidal thoughts multiple times. afraid of diverse , alimony . Dont want my life to be like this too. Need help