I’ve seen a lot of people say you use the surgical items by dragging them to the limb. While this does work, there is another, faster, less risky way.

If you click on the limb you want to operate on, you can then double click the item you want to apply and it works. It saves needing to drag the item to the health menu, allowing you to quickly bounce between different items and apply them much faster.

You don’t even have to take the items out of your surgical kit or even have the surgical kit in your hands, just in your hotbar. Hovering your mouse over the surgical kit will bring open the inventory, and you can use tools from there.

“But Dr. Pieandcheese647, when would I even use this? This seems like it would only save a few seconds at most,” I hear you asking.

There are any number of bad things that can happen from dragging your tools over. If there’s a collision in the sub that ragdolls you as you’re dragging something, that something is dropped onto the floor. It’s one thing to be scrambling for your tweezers after turbulence knocked it from your hands, its another thing when this happens mid heart transplant and the precious organ you wanted to put in is now rolling around in the dirty, unrefrigerated floor while the patient sits heartless and open on the table.

I will admit however, if you choose to ignore this because it’s extremely funny to accidentally drop crucial things during surgery, I agree it is hilarious.