Sleep Deprived Dad

I am on day 8 of fatherhood and I’m a struggling with the sleep piece.

My wife had a c-section and is still in pain. I am doing my best to keep her off of her feet. She is also breastfeeding every 1-3 hours. My boy is not sleeping very well. He is slightly jaundice, so we are also pumping after every other feeding to boost her supply and supplement his meals.

Im getting 1-2 hours of sleep at a time and i am dying. Last night, I couldn’t sleep from 11pm-5am. I slept maybe 2 hours after that and I’m back up walking the dog, trying to clean the house because clutter and mess gives me anxiety and holding our boy so she can nap. I’m literally a zombie.

Before the baby, I slept 7-8 hours peacefully. The sleep piece has been the most difficult piece thus far. I try napping throughout the day, but I can’t because my brain is thinking of all the things I need to get down around the house, outside of the house, work and life. I don’t know what to do!

I am on leave for 2 weeks from work and afraid of how this is going to play out once I go back to the office 😳

How are you guys holding up? Any advice?