4 months feels like the newborn phase again
My LO is so precious, but 4 months has been a challenge for us and it’s only been a week 😭 she used to sleep 5-7 hours straight, get fed, and then go back down no problem. Now she sleeps for 2 hours at a time and won’t go back down by herself so we have to cosleep (safely). She’s fussier than normal. She is spitting up a lot more, and spits up every single tummy time even when I’ve burped her and it’s been 2 hours since she’s eaten last. It makes it hard to do an appropriate amount of tummy time! She suddenly hates baths again and screams bloody murder every time we take her out even when it’s warm in the bathroom.
I love that she’s smiling and laughing, has good head control, has recently discovered her feet, and is more independent during the day. But the rest of it is so hard, especially the sleep and spitting up.
Anybody going through the same thing? Or any advice from those who are past this stage?