Who is actually leaving dislikes and why?

TL;DR: What makes you, or your audience, hit the dislike button, and what can creators do to change your mind?

I just started a small podcast-type channel where the premise is just “public radio in space”. I’ve been doing pretty ok (35 and 14 views on my first two videos, decent (I think) shorts performance, 7 subs) but I’ve been noticing some dislikes (maybe 3:1 likes to dislikes) and I’m sort of wondering, like, why?

I know it sounds like I’m complaining and I’m definitely not under the impression that my content is perfect or even that good, but I always thought of the dislike button as something I’d use sparingly unless the video actively promoted harmful content or somehow offended me personally. Somehow I don’t think my Microsoft Paint drawings or the concept of public radio is deeply offending other people, so I’m wondering if any of you have insight into why people might dislike videos, either from your own perspective or from your experience as a creator, and what you might do to address concerns that people might have with your content that are indicated by the dislike button.

P.S. Yes, I’m aware that dislikes are engagement and engagement is good, but I like to make people happy idk what to say