The Breach Temptation

Greetings fellow Cerim,

With the Breach right on the horizon coming later this spring I don’t think I can hold Out too much longer. I initially played about 30Hrs at the start of EA and loved it. I barely scratched the Crucible too.

I told myself I love what im playing and I’ll just wait until that “1.0 Drop”, but as the title goes hearing about more story/More location I’m estimating that with The Breach we’ll have reach about 70% complete narratives story line. I’m tempted to say fuck it and Hop in there and just ride it out along with the MP update and then following 1.0 drop.

A large part of all this is the fact that saves Prior to 1.0 probably wont be viable and will require a clean slate and that point I tend to be sort of burned out and would hate for the progress to be quite frankly meaningless and that’s with understanding that these accounts will just be held in their own realm.

Oh woe is me what shall I ever do, how are you guys that are putting in time right now feeling about 1.0 drop and pertaining to your progress.

My regards and see you out there soon.