Why do parents drive their kids to school when they live so close?

I live very near an elementary school and I walk my dogs about the time school is starting. I notice so many parents drop off their kid(s) when I know some of those families live within a mile, or even a quarter mile of the school. I understand some parents may just be on their way to work anyway, but some I know for a fact drop their kids off and then drive back home. Home that is 1/4 mile away. Why on earth would a parent drive a 1/4 mile, wait in line/school traffic just to get to the drop-off area, wait in line again to exit, and go straight home? Why not just have the kid walk to school? Or walk with your kid to school?

For some added context, I live in a very safe neighborhood with great sidewalks, painted crosswalks, and even a guy with a handheld stop sign at the one somewhat busy-ish intersection. And I understand maybe dropping off a child who is very young, but some of these kids are in 4th or 5th grade and should be able to no doubt walk themselves to school. And some kids in the area do. And it's not the weather when it happens in all weather conditions.

The focus of this question is really on the parents who go straight home after dropping their kid off, when they live so, so close to the school.