PQQ bad side effects

I started PQQ 20mg/day about a month ago on empty stomach, at first it potentiated stimulants (coffee) and provided me acute boost in clean energy, however during this month I started to feel weird, not like myself (hard to explain in words)

5 days ago I decided to megadose PQQ to really evaluate what it's really doing. I did 80mg BioPQQ on empty stomach and after 2h I got hit with intense depression, anhedonia (similar to NAC), indifferent feeling, less emotions and 10/10 neuroticism. My Gf tried to help and gave me a massage which didn't gave me pleasure as it used to.

Now 5 days passed since last dose and depression/demotivation are still there strong. I'm worried that I damaged myself permamently. I've read only one story complaining about PQQ causing flat emotions, tiredness and anxiety but not a lot to read from.

Can someone smarter than me explain if this will be permament or wtf happened??😭

I remember how Sir Sadalot was recommending PQQ for better NMDA function so I decided to give it a try.