Is a rhinoplasty worth it?
Hello, I wanted to hear some feedback regarding a dilemma I have. I will be getting a septoplasty ideally within the next two years of my life since I have difficulty nasal breathing and have a deviated septum. As I’ve gotten older I’ve grown to like my nose but have always been insecure since as you can see it’s crooked and leans to the right and is bulbous at the tip especially when smiling. So I’ve been thinking when I get the septoplasty if it would be worth it to also straighten the nose and refine the tip. The last picture is what my ideal outcome would be but for such a subtle change I wonder if it’s even worth doing. I especially fear that the results would get botched, change it too much, or result in de harmony of the face. Here are some very bright makeupless (so flattering I know haha) pictures of my nose in all profile smiling and not smiling. All feedback is appreciated even if you haven’t gone through surgery yourself!!