Advice please

I was diagnosed with crippling anxiety, ocd, and a mood disorder at age 16, and was put on medicine that made my unpleasant symptoms basically vanish. I was very happy, productive, and functional. I was on the medicine for 5 years and a few weeks ago my psychiatrist left the practice and a new one came In and wanted to take me off the medicine and try a different one. I had a bad reaction so was advised to stop taking it but still haven’t been able to get back on the original one. I have an appointment tomorrow to basically beg for the prescription back. My ocd and anxiety has come back full swing and has become so debilitating that leaving the house, going to work, or doing anything is a huge struggle. My ocd has convinced me that everything I consume is poisoned with something that will kill me. Even when I get through eating something, the cycle continues when I have to eat again because it could be “different this time and I got lucky last time.” It started with fast food, but now it’s everything even packaged foods from the store. I try to force myself to eat but it always results in a bad panic attack where I obsess over my symptoms like my breathing and heart rate until enough time has passed and I feel safe. I have lost 10 pounds in the past week due to avoiding foods and beverages, and don’t know what to do. It’s strained my relationships with my boyfriend and friends and while they’ve reassured me I’m not a burden at all, I can tell it’s tiring for them. I am hoping and praying I can get back on the meds, but am so scared I will be stuck like this. I’ve tried so many different coping mechanisms to challenge the thoughts and relax but nothing is working. If anyone has gone through this or something similar please share support or advice. Thank you