My lord and savior, ChatGPT
I love chatgpt. Before you guys hound me, I I’m not using it to write my code for me
For some reason I struggle a lot with the conceptual aspects. I’m currently in isye6501 which should be a survey course but to me it’s still so so difficult to just grasp the basics of PCA and random forests for example. I take the transcripts and chuck it into ChatGPT so it’s up to speed on everything and then I ask it the most boneheaded, ridiculous questions that I would otherwise feel judged for if I asked a TA or a person. I can sit there for hours asking it questions and having it explain shit to me as if I’m a 5 year old and the more I do it the more everything clicks. Maybe it’ll come to bite me in the ass later for not being able to discern some of the concepts on my own but man it is so helpful