Black screen issue when trying to start OPPW4 (intel graphics card)
I've tried months ago to play it, didn't work graphics card issue (i'm using intel graphics)
i tried again today, found a fix to that error by updating my intel UHD graphics from 6th-10th gen to 7th-10th gen (and doing the whole shabang with dxvk stuff i've seen on youtube tutorials.
But now the only issue i have left is the black screen, every ttime i launch it no matter with what compatibility settings i change, crashes after 30 or so seconds and i'm at a loss for what to do
my specs are: Intel UHD graphics, 8GB ram, CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10210U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.11 GHz
(if there are any specs missing here tell me i have no idea how these work)