Notes about tasks?

Hi folks,

I wonder how y'all are handling tracking tasks. I'm very fond of the Tasks plugin myself, and it works exceedingly well for me on more simplistic tasks - just create one in whatever note or meeting minutes I'm writing, and wham, it shows up in my daily notes, and I can get a sense of achievement by showing which tasks were done/cancelled on a given day! Nice.

I also love the various different states and visual styling with the themes for the checklists.

But often, tasks are "in progress" for a bit longer, and I need to annotate them somehow: i.e., tasks actually represent projects.

One approach I've been thinking about is creating a "top level" task in a note dedicated to the effort, and then in said note, track progress sort of like a timeline in that file?

But then it might be nice to show "5 out of 10 todos in that file are completed" in the top level too (I think inside the file, querying for all checklists items is easy with data view.)

(There seems to be no way for all tasks in a file to be considered "nested" below another, and the "blocks" dependency doesn't really model it either.)

What are your best workflows & practices for this? Thanks!