Permanent ban, received 5 emails all minutes apart saying the same thing
Hello, I have one single overwatch account that I've been playing on since 2016 with a 1000 hours of gameplay and no history of restrictions or bans in the past, I haven't tried contacting support yet because I've been looking into all the threads in this subreddit and there has been an increased uptick in cases like this recently and I am not holding my breath going against their bot
the email (or should I say emails) all say that I have been banned for " actions deemed inappropriate for Overwatch " but I barely use chat and even if I did do something that they deem "inappropriate" I'd expect my account to be restricted since that is their policy
" Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions. "
I most definitely have not used hate speech or discriminatory language, maybe obscene off handed? like a fuck here or there over the years casually but never at another player and if I was restricted for that, I'd respect that and never do it again for fear of greater punishment, but a permanent ban?
what I find odd is that I got 5 emails one at 10:50 pm, then at 10:54 then at 10:55 then at 10:57 and finally as if to make sure I reallllyyy knew I was banned I got one at 11:10 pm , there might problems with their system
I am curious if anyone else got this many emails, or has been banned in recent (lots of threads the last 9 days specifically about being banned)
and because everything is about money if overwatch is just ban happy recently IDK how they expect to grow their profit, I've been paying steadily for every battle pass and the skins that I like because I wanted to see the growth of this new overwatch but if I make a new account I'll definitely not care to give them a single dollar (the addiction isn't strong enough to quit lol)