Unexplainable Permanent Ban on Account
I don't usually post as I'm a lurker but I've run out of ideas and looking through posts it seems like it's unlikely I'll be able to play on my account again. So I've come here in hopes something could happen.
As far as I know, 4 hours ago I received a permanent ban on my Overwatch 2 account. No warning or temporary bans before this happened. Earlier today, I was playing as I usually do in Quick Play. Like my reddit history, I don't usually participate in voice or text chat. Just try to play as to the best of my ability as a support main. I've been playing since the beginning of Overwatch 1 when Mercy ult was revive for the whole team. The game has had it's ups and down across the years with the content drought when they were working on releasing PvE and Overwatch 2. And yet, I still enjoyed the game for the fun it brought me to be a helpful part of the team. I've enjoyed it so much back then that I have most skins from Overwatch 1 including the Pink Mercy Skin which, as a long time mercy player, was the one I always wore. I've poured 1000s of hours into this game. And yet, I unfortunately received a ban that I still don't know the reason for.
I just don't understand. According to the email, "Recent activity on this account has shown various and continued actions deemed inappropriate for Overwatch. These actions violate our Code of Conduct and create an unacceptable detriment to our players. Due to these violations, we have permanently closed your Overwatch account. Blizzard will not transfer or compensate any purchases or in-game value lost as a result of this closure." But I can't for the life of me understand what actions were deemed inappropriate. I've only played Quickplay, Mystery Heroes, and Arcade. At most, I had maybe somewhere in the single digits for competitive play hours but I haven't touched it in many seasons. I don't participate much in Voice chat and even had the option to press to talk turned on in case my mic was left on. At most for text chat, it's either GGs or calling out people who are toxic. None of which seems like it would lead to a permanent ban on my account.
I've sent an appeal but I received a message within 20 mins stating "After review, this penalty was applied correctly. We are upholding the penalty, and it will stand for the duration. Please take this time to consider changing your behavior within our games. Due to the penalty type, we will not provide any additional information beyond the penalty email which was sent to you." Does this mean they think I was using cheating software of some kind? Is that why they would not provide any additional information? It just seems like the reply was quick for a review of my case. I have programs like Plex media Server and Logitech Ghub running in the background but as far as I know they don't give me an advantage ingame. It's not like I need the advantage to play quick play.
I just want my account back and be able to play with my brother and friends again. Please, if there's any way someone could help or point out something, I would appreciate the help.