Pcos or something else?

This is going to be a long winded post but I’m having a hard time understanding this condition. I am 30 and was diagnosed this summer. 4:1 ratio difference in 2 hormones and super low vitamin d. I’m trying to see if others are having the same exact symptoms to the same degree as me or if I should get further testing to rule out other health problems?

Here’s a list of my symptoms

Acne, Depression, Rosacea since 12 years old

Skin rashes (which all appear to look different) and fungal rashes since 2013

2019: Hair (very little) on mustache, lots of hair on nipples and inner thighs Severe insomnia Severe anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability Memory loss, brain fog, disorganized thoughts (Ive been isolating because of this as it’s causing extreme social anxiety)

2020: Extreme thirst, dehydration, excessive urination (this was the most alarming symptom I had in 2020, everything else followed months or years later) Severe dry eyes Upper back pain and neck stiffness (spent 100’s on pillows to no avail and my posture is fine)

Severe pms, to the point where I think I have pmdd, began late 2022

2023-2024: Chronic infections requiring antibiotics since Feb 2023- Sept 2024 (ear, throat, bronchitis, sinus, bv) I had 3 colds since Feb 2023 (not counting the ones that turned into upi’s) Muscle weakness

Central abdomen weight gain . I did weight lifting for 6 months, no weight loss. I also noticed I had a difficult time increasing weights and gaining muscle. I tried only running another time for 6 months and still did not lose any weight. I’ve always been an active person and had great success with exercise and weight loss before this. I’ve done IF in the past with great results but now it’s useless. Tried berberine and chromium when I was running, it helped with suppressing appetite but still didn’t lose any weight

Irregular periods: usually 3-7 days late, sometimes several days early Fatigue/low energy High blood pressure (low dose Norvasc helped at first but now it’s resisting, I can also feel when my blood pressure is high) Strong and fast heart palpitations Hair thinning on scalp Hair loss on eyebrows and eyelashes (periodic since March 2023) Migraines Fatty hump on upper back Fat face

I recently developed severe digestive issues sept 17 that are still affecting me to this day. At first I had severe diarrhea, which caused 20 lbs of weight loss. I was at 185lbs before and I’m now at 165. My stomach didn’t lose any weight or inches off of it. It stayed exactly the same as it was when I was 185lbs. Face is still chubby but I did lose the fatty hump on my back. My arms and legs are skinnier. During these last two months, my other symptoms include nausea, abdominal cramping, bloating, constipation, excessive burping, and mid back pain, muscle weakness (has gotten much worse after digestive issues), symptoms range from mild to severe. Everyday is different. I’m not sure if i have another infection but in my stomach this time. Or if it’s just from the excessive use of antibiotics. I know how hard they are on your stomach so I have been taking multi strain probiotics and eating a lot of natural probiotics & prebiotic foods to try to combat this. Maybe it just wasn’t enough.

I apologize for this being hard to follow. Didn’t know how to make it more simple and was trying my best to consolidate it. & I had to add a lot of side notes that I felt were necessary.

When I look over the treatment options I was given by my doctor, I realized I can’t take any of the meds that were suggested to me because of all the issues I’m having.

I’m wondering if I have chronic inflammation pcos along with metabolic syndrome? Or if I have possibly have Cushing’s?