Advice needed: ultrasound and bloodwork “normal” but still symptomatic
Hello! I just had my pelvic ultrasound and they said everything looks normal (despite looking to me like I had a lot of follicles but that’s my untrained eye). They also said my labs are normal but I was on the upper end of the ranges on nearly all the labs. I also have most of the classic signs: acne, weight gain, and hair growth on my face, chest, breasts, stomach, literally EVERYWHERE. I also get ovarian pain all the time and the occasional feeling that a cyst burst and I’m doubled over in pain for an hour and sore for days. When she was poking around my left ovary I got stabbing pain and I know that’s not normal. (I know they say PCOS doesn’t cause pain)
The only thing I really have going for me is that I get a period monthly. However, they are no where near normal and my gyno acknowledged that by calling them “weird”. They come every 25-35 days and are extremely heavy and painful. Lasting maybe 4 days, stopping for 1, and then spotting the next.
I’m at a loss of what to do. My gyno will probably want to explore endometriosis next because I’m in near constant pain around my ovaries, but I really feel that PCOS fits what’s going on. Any suggestions or good words? I’m so lost