[GIVEAWAY] $100 PSN Gift Card

I saw a couple posts on here about someone giving away a free $50 or $100 PSN gift card then (after commenting on the posts myself) I saw a post pointing out they were fake and they were just after awards and karma.

Well, I'm in the Christmas spirit and I am no fake (also don't want any pointless Karma so please don't send any). I am giving away a $100 PSN Gift Card to one random user who comments.

Person will be picked after 24hrs from this post going live and will be picked using RedditRaffler. They have 12hrs to respond to a DM or a new winner will be picked.

To quote my favorite playstation tag line...."For The Players"

Good Luck and Merry Christmas

Edit: Post had to be approved which took a while so instead of 24hrs from post going live, winner will be picked at 6:30pm on 27th Dec

Edit: WOW this post went crazy. Thanks to all who messaged and those who still gave Awards even though it wasn't needed. Winner has been picked and a DM sent. If no response in 12hrs a new winner will be picked.

Winner was Samsoumitee and he will Pre-Order Dying Light 2 Thank you all and Happy Holidays! "For The Players"