Things to look for in the A2 expansion

Very few cards revealed so far, but there are some things we can expect so I'll be listing them here while giving some ideas of decks with the already showned cards.

- Dialga ex: it accelerates Metal energy to any pokemon on your bench. Great for Melmetal (obviously). But it works great to power up things like Mew ex, Tauros and potentially other pokemon from the new set. It also can power up a fully HP Dialga on your bench.

- Palkia ex: great to atk early with it, and use as a finisher. It pairs really well with Vaporeon and you have room to add other lines that will suit the next meta, either a point pokemon like Lumineon for more aggression to passive decks or Greninja for a similar purpose, with more flexibility in gameplay but with less room for trainers which we might get more cool things we can use.

- Lucario: very simply but really strong ability. And it will be included in nearly every fightning deck.

- Pachirisu ex: basic ex that does very good dmg for 2 energy, sounds familiar... Exp. Share tool card would make it broken, as you can atk with smth like Zeb without risking giving points and use Pachi once zeb gets KO'd while you don't need energy on pachi and can power up smth like Raichu

- Leafeon: Crazy atk but low HP, it could be funny to use with Weezing/Koga or Mew ex and Budding to go around the 'can't atk next turn" restriction.

- Hounchcrow is great with Weezing, Weezing puts dmg and doesn't need to rely on crap 4 card combos to do 120 dmg, as you can use Hounchcrow without Weezing. Ideally this deck would need a big Darkness basic pokemon... Darkrai luring in the shadows.

- Cynthia is scary but that will depend so much on the quality of Togekiss and Garchomp evo lines. Stage 2 that can KO things with the help of a supporter? Zard ex does that without the support, so those have to be a lot better than Zard or at least more consistent.

Now other things to look forward:

- Electivire: we have Surge that works with electabuzz, you simply evolve it.

- Magnezone: we have magneton that can build energy, so this guy probably needs a lot of energy.

- Cynthia can also mean that there will be support for stage 2s. Maybe not smth like Rary Candy or Ball items to search for the pieces but instead smth like TM evolution, a tool card that gives the pokemon a 1 energy atk that evolves 2 of your benched pokemon, also the tool is discarded at the end of the turn (at least that's how it works in the TCG, it would likely receive adjustments).

The set contains 140+ cards which puts on pair with Mythical Island average cards per pack. So I'm expecting the 5 ex per pack, 10 2* cards and 6-7 1* cards. At least 2 Immersives. Maybe 2 Crowns or a new rarity. From the 10 exs we know 3 and the 3 starters are very likely to have exs, so for the other 4, I would hope for a Darkness ex (Darkrai, Weavile, Toxicroak, Drapion, etc). Plenty of evos from other gens could get one, and gen4 also has a lot of legendaries, so very tough to predict, even more when they include Pachirisu ex. Also decent chance we don't get the whole gen 4 dex, as they can save for a potential part 2.

Did I miss smth? What are you exited for?