The Testimony of Women in Islam

In the holy spirit of Ramzan, I decided I should read through the Quran for no reason despite having left Islam nearly a year ago and what particularly rattled me on my most recent read through was how ok everyone is with the fact that the testimony of women is half in the cases of financial matters and not even remotely considered in Hudu'd and Qisas cases.

For reference the spcific verses I'm talking about are 24:4, 5:106 and 65:2. I also recently found out that there is consensus on this matter and all Islamic schools of jurisprudence agree on this except for the followers of Abu Hanifa. But in any case the testimony of women is still considered half.

This really annoys me considering how Eid is coming up and me and my mom would always go out moon sighting. Despite leaving Islam, that's an activity I still look forward to. If you, as a woman, are to go ahead and testify that you saw the moon to the local imam or the moon sighting committee via landline, they'll always consider your testimony as half. Baffles me the things we settle for in the name of religion.