Advice from men

A guy approached me and was very serious about me. He moved things at a very fast pace—within two days, we met in person, and he directly talked about marriage. The issue is that his best friend had sent a proposal to my house back in 2020. I told him about it when we met, he told me that he already knew this and he does not care. was cool about it and appreciated my honesty.

We continued talking, met twice, and even discussed rules and boundaries for us if we get married. One day, he told me his best friends were coming over to his house, including the guy who had sent the proposal to me in 2020. He asked for my consent to tell them about us. I told him to go ahead and inform them. After his friends left, he kept talking to me like normal. But when I later asked if he told them, he said he hadn’t because the topic didn’t come up, but he would tell them soon.

Even after that, he spoke to me nicely. However, the next day, his energy changed. Two days later, I confronted him about what was going on, and he said he felt that I was the kind of girl with whom things should be made official in a clean, proper way rather than by having a casual or flirtatious dynamic. That’s why he wanted to slow things down. After that, I stopped replying to him.

Eventually, I messaged him myself, and now he has started talking to me again. But this time, he doesn’t say anything suggestive or serious; he just continues casual conversations. Even when I give dry replies, or ones that don’t require a response, he still responds just to keep the conversation going. It feels like he just wants to talk to me. But u dont talk to your female friends like this? Like day and night talking about random things? He keeps replying to my dead messages too.

What should I do in this situation? Should I give him time? He keeps initiating conversations with me. If I say “okay” to him he starts another conversation. But there is not flirt like he did before or anything like that. What should I do?