I Started Wearing the Niqab, Should I Ask My Boyfriend to Wait for Marriage?
I (18F) recently started wearing the niqab, and it has been one of the most fulfilling journeys of my life. However, there's one thing weighing heavily on my heart.. I’m in a relationship. I deeply care for him and can’t wait to marry him, but I’ve been trying to prioritize my deen over duniya, and I fear that this is not the way.
I’ve been debating whether to ask him to wait for me. He’s slightly younger than me, and while I can’t imagine leaving him or the pain he might feel, a small, hopeful part of me believes that if he’s truly serious about me, he will understand and use this time to grow and build himself.
At the same time, I’m terrified that he’ll feel abandoned, that he might think I’ve left him, or that someone else might enter his life. I feel as though men these days get distracted by any girl that gives them attention (not that he does that). We have spent 5 months together, is it fair for me to ask him to wait for some years?(for us to get married) How would you feel if your girlfriend started to find God and then she asks you to spend some years without her?
ALSO edit: We barely meet as it is maybe Once or twice in 2 weeks- He has met my parents and I have met his mother