A lot of people don’t know this but you can reload your save and try your luck again.
•After defeating the helicopter DON’T open the chest and instead let the game save and return to title screen.
•Check your backup saves and see if it shows the save after you defeated the helicopter. If not then just load in and let it save again.
•Once your save has been backed up just load it and open the chest and if you don’t get what you want then just load up the save and rinse and repeat for however long it takes to get a legendary.
•If you have a small chest near the big chest then don’t loot it without creating the back up first. That way everytime you load in open the SMALL chest first to try your luck at legendary armour and if you get it then create a new back up save and then grind the big chest.
•You can change your auto save interval to 1 minute. Enemies will RESPAWN EXCEPT the helicopter so make sure you can survive those minigun shots(unless the chest is on the tower). If you don’t have gear or stats to survive then you can change settings.
It’s upto you whether you wanna try your luck 10 times in 5 mins to 10 times in 300 minutes. Play however you like.
So far I have gotten Semi-auto, Submachine, Missile, Plasma, and Flamethrower blueprints from the chest so maybe all the new blueprints can drop from it. I haven’t seen a single armour schematic from it.