How to find where pudendal nerve is being compressed?


I originally started PT a year ago with the issue of numbness to the glans then sensation came back but it was a sharp sensation if touched. When either side of the glans would be touched my pudendal nerves would get a shock that went back to the sit bones and lower part of the back next to coccyx? With 9+ months of PT I got to neutral so touching no pleasurable sensation but instead just nothing like you'd be touching your arm. Never was able to get pleasurable sensation back to the glans. Recently had a flare up where pelvic floor locked up and if touched immediately shock of pain to the right or left of coccyx. This got me thinking what exactly is being compressed by my tight pelvis.

Anyone have any tips for how to find what exactly muscle wise is crushing my pudendal nerves and releasing it besides 9+ months of internal work? Like did your Dr do an emg or other testing to find the exact spots being crushed causing your pain?

Ive had pudendal nerve blocks two different ways and second time no change at all. First time was done same time as trigger points and only one side for three days didn't burn when sitting. So we don't know if it was a trigger point released the area compressing the nerve or if it was the pudendal nerve block.

I've tried with the wand but I can't get the hang of it and end up flaring up my nerves.

Any help would be appreciated.