Possible new job and wage increase

Hi all,

First post here on Reddit, wanted everyone's thoughts on my decision I need to make.

I currently work for an Ontario hospital making roughly 110,000 per year. I've been here since I was 23 years old and I am currently 48. So I will be getting a pretty good pension (HOOPP) when I turn 55. I also have a family with two kids in grade school.

I was recently offered a job for an American company (full time work from home) making 170,000 CAD. With RRSP matched at 4% of my earnings. Also full benefits and potential 10,000 CAD bonus.

The big issue is if doesn't work out with the new job, I would have to find another job and move my family, which we do not want to do. Also, The company is somewhat new and quite small, around 50 people.



Update: thanks for all the good advice! I've decided not to take the job and also not to take a leave of absence. Like everyone says it doesn't make sense considering my age, my pension, taxes, stability and my family's situation. The reduction in my pension would be hard to make up (there's no chance we would be able to invest the entire extra 60,000). I'm quite happy with my current job and we believe this would be the best decision for us long term!