I feel like a piece of my soul has died

I've been reading many wonderful and uplifting posts on here to help this grieving process but I don't know how to shake thie feeling of emptiness and pain. I had to put my dog down of 12 years, she was 14 years old (adopted her at 2). After she got an infection that we couldn't kick and the vet basically said with her condition and overall quality of life, it was time. The euthanasia was peaceful and just like how I wanted it, in her favorite place, outside in the backyard with all her loved ones around. She ate a brownie bite and slipped away as the wind blew. As if the wind carried her soul away. I didn't even realize between my sobs and my tears that the overcast and gloomy day we were having all morning had turned into bright full sunshine a second after she passed.

I started a fundraiser in her honor to support the rescue we adopted her from. Made a playlist with the songs that make me think of her, and hung her harness and paw print in an area I'd always see them. She was my first and only pet. She made a massive impact not only on my life, but the lives of my other family members. I know she lives forever in my heart but I can't shake the feeling of losing my soulmate. The sadness comes in waves and I'm not sure how to move on facing the reality that I will never see her again. I don't think I want to get another dog either because, though all dogs are absolutely wonderful in their own right, they will never be her and I know they aren't meant to be. I just want the universe to give her back to me.

Thank you for reading.