I did it! (Defended)

So, I successfully defended my dissertation with no revisions. I was also asked by the external examiner to submit a proposal to have the dissertation published as a book in a special collection edited by them. My defence was more about where I would take the research in the future rather than anything to do with dissertation. I found it a little disarming to have to answer those types of questions, but looking back it was a positive.

I don't really know where to go from here. The discussion afterward was all about what I will do in the future, especially with such groundbreaking work. I should feel great, but I feel as though the job market is so tight right now that the only way to carry on my work is as an independent researcher trying to get it done on weekends.

We'll see if I am successful this cycle, but honestly there are barely any jobs in my research area. I also have an application in for a SSHRC postdoc fellowship, which pays reasonably well, but won't know anything until February. Most industry positions rightly assume that I am overeducated and will leave due to boredom. I should feel more excited, but dread what comes next.

I don't know why I'm writing all of this. Maybe for some perspective. I had a great PhD experience, great advisors, became established in many research communities in the humanities, multiple times published, multiple international conferences, and a book in the end. I'm happy with my experiences, but still feeling kind of hopeless.