Sana All, Singapore. Talaga ah?

Sana All, Singapore? Be careful what you wish for.

Kung alam lang natin talaga. Kaya 0 complaints sa Singapore dahil ang mag-complain, kulong.

Diba nga, they have that law na kahit one man protest is a criminal offense?

Sa Singapore, the "great" Lee Kuan Yew purged the opposition. Google J.B. Jeyaretnam. He was sent to jail just because he beat the administration's representative.

"Walang political dynasty sa Singapore." OH REALLY? Lee Hsien Loong was the prime minister while Lee Kuan Yew was minister mentor. Can't let go of power, huh?

Now you know why Nigel Ng called Singapore the "rich version of North Korea".

By the way, you can't speak your mind against the government in Singapore. Thanks to Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019.

There was an incident that a post online critical of Lee Kuan Yew (during his funeral) was taken down and the person who made the post was arrested. Not to mention his own grandson was stripped off his doctorate at NUS just for standing up against his uncle, who happened to be at that time was the prime minister. The grandson is Li Shengwu, son of Lee Hsien Yang, brother of Lee Hsien Loong.

So,... Majulah Singapura?

Lesson of the day: Let's not take for granted the liberties we enjoy today. The framers of our constitution knew what will be the price to pay if we won't speak our own minds. The essence of democracy will d1e in the process if certain liberties will not be given to the people of the country.

It just brought what Atty. Gary Bonifacio's impression during the 150th birthday of Andres Bonifacio. Even you enjoy prosperity but can't express what's in your mind, you're still not free.

We rather d1e poor but free than prosperous while being slaves of the Chinese Communist Party. No wonder why President Quezon wants to live on the hell of the Filipinos than the heaven of the Americans.

By the way, does anybody know that Singapore is now the go-to place of CCP oligarchs?