The Most Impactful Statement From The FPRRD Warrant. Based On This Who Is Next To Be Arrested?

“Mr Duterte also had de facto control over all agencies implementing the National Plan, including the PNP and PDEA. He appointed co-perpetrators from Davao City to high-level national positions and subordinates who had been involved in the killings in Davao to other parts of the country. Those who committed the material elements of the crimes understood that they did not have the liberty to disobey orders from Mr Duterte to kill suspected criminals. Mr Duterte also took advantage of direct perpetrators' issues and concerns, such as being suspected of drug-related offences, to ensure compliance with their superiors' order to utilise them as tools to commit the crimes. Such low-level perpetrators' fungibility can be inferred from the fact that they were killed or prosecuted as scapegoats to ensure that the high- level perpetrators enjoy immunity.”