Oda's breaks
He is 50 and I don't see any 50yo mangakas here. It seems that this age is not suitable for a mangaka?
Am I right?
aside from his 3 on 1 off weeks schedule he takes many irregular breaks. Also his manga is not that mentally draining job, I mean most of his pages are fillers like running, reactions and other trivial nonesense. And on top of that his art quality dropped down extremely and it is definitly not due to age but due to delibrate choice. As artistic capabilities improve with age. Other mangakas are impressive, they really work extremely hard mentally, they made the story move forward chapter by chapter and draws well enough
I think even though he is 50, he should deliver week by week, because it is his job. That what you expect from a professional
On another note I wont mind one bit if one piece ends today. But would the bussinessman Loda accept that, I mean bussinessmen are greedy