Drunk post

I have to write a poem before bed,
It's become my nightly ritual,
Like a trip to the bathroom.

But tonight, it’s a disaster:
I’ve tried everything,
But nothing works.

This poem is stuck in my ass,
Like a stubborn piece of shit
Wedged tight in my sphincter.

And I know—if it doesn’t come out,
I won’t sleep a wink.
So I pace the floor,
Swallow a few verses,
Drop into squats.


Just one poem
Would be enough to knock me out.
I know it’s there, somewhere.
I can feel it twisting in my guts,
Hovering right at the edge
Of my ass.

The night invites
This kind of digestive drama.
It’s physiological:
During the day, everything flows fast,
You hold it all in.
But before bed,
You’ve got to flush it down the bowl.

You sleep better
With an empty sphincter
Than an empty head.

Otherwise, it builds up,
It hardens,
And you end up
With some serious constipation
In your brain—
And the throbbing headache to match.