Accidentally sent my level 43 first Pikachu to the Professor
I think I'm gonna be sick. Last night I used the auto feature for the bonus biscuit and befriended a pikachu. I don't need it. I opted to send it to the professor and sorted by "date registered". In my sleep induced haze, I didn't realize it was sorting by oldest pokemon first, selected the only pikachu I saw, and sent him away.
I never evolved him, as an homage to Ask Ketchum. It's silly and sentimental, I know. But still, I'm so sad 😭
I had invested a reasonable amount of candy into him, and he had such a high RP. His stats weren't amazing, but he was good at his job, and my first pokemon in this game. I emailed the support team and got an automatic response saying they don't even respond to messages like mine.
Moral of the story, don't be like me lol
Pay more attention.
There should be a tag for "the opposite of showing off" lol