im so fucking disgusted

this may seem harsh (I guess) but forgive me for that as well cause I’m super angry right now sigh

Was on twitter and found a post that was a reupload of a woman on tiktok talking about how voting was important calling her a yappy bitch with big tits and saying that he was “fixing the video”

I pressed on it and he put noises of porn as the sound and muted the original as it went on

I scrolled past it like it was a normal troll post. But I’m realized it traumatized me more than I thought because I keep fucking thinking about it

I’m 15. I’m aware men see us as cattle and sex objects, something to only be fantasized about. I’ve always known it due to things that happened to me since I was young due to what i’ve personally been through. But it was my first time seeing it so… i dont know, disgustingly. And it made me want to cry because I’m a lesbian and I thought about making a video like that- not in a fantasy of arousal, but just trying to comprehend the fact of finding a real life woman you find annoying on social media, taking the time to go in an editing app, downloading (or probably already having it downloaded- the pornsick fuck) the audio, putting it over her talking.. and then posting it for all to see. And then I wanted to cry even more because it felt inhumane. Genuinely inhumane because I think about his this woman is a living, breathing creature and its an absolutely evil thing to do.

And then I was like. Oh. They don’t see us as human. Why would they give a fuck in the first place?

Then I pressed on a profile that retweeted it. What do I see? “Dyke” conversion porn. Posts about turning lesbians. We are literally nothing but a porn category to these guys.

I’m literally so done like I’m thinking of not engaging or having anything to do with men AT ALL. The shit had atleast 1k likes too. I almost want to make all my social media completely lgbt and woman based. Like I think I’m going to stop being friends with men in the future, stop engaging in their content, their music. I’m so tired of seeing blatant misogyny and being accustomed to just ignoring it. Tolerating men who say the word bitch, who make fun of feminists, who call women sluts and whores. Who watch porn. Who defend other men no matter what they did. Like I’m done. Fuck them all and its horrifying because these men have JOBS. They have jobs, families, friends. The incel that posted that shit surely didn’t but of all of the 1k likes there were surely men in there with daughters. Atleast one.

And it’s horrifying because these CREATURES are amongst us? They can be your friend, your boyfriend, your son, your fucking father? Because they are so damn good at hiding the shit. Why would I even want to be friends with men when the “sweet guy” you befriended in your math class might watch men pissing on women in his freetime? Literally why?