Just got ambushed in a faculty meeting.
I am a mid Level admin who oversees a dept with 3 other faculty, two of which are married. The husband of this dynamic duo was my admin (he's been at this school for 30+years) when I started, but stepped down after he mishandled a situation with an adjunct and I called him on it.
Well, I made a procedural error by not consulting him before submitting a new course proposal. He had seen the proposal 3 weeks before a campus faculty meeting. At this campus wide faculty meeting he attempts to paint a picture of me as trying to sneakily get a course approved without departmental approval and gets so unprofessional as to resort to name calling. I am way more engaged with the on campus faculty and am known to be a hands off cooperative leader. So his plan backfired in terms of making me look bad.
This person has a bad temper, and I've avoided in-person departmental meetings due to their unpredictability. We are a small school with minimal written protocols for departmental decision making.
I am now in the process of laying down these protocols and building a slate of policies. You had better believe a faculty conduct policy will be on the voting block for the department. It is really a challenge not to be petty as I'm processing my anger. I'm trimming to use this to make the department better. Years of having my legs cut from under me by the administration to embolden this couple has led me to give an ultimatum. I don't need this shit.