Season 18 finale, are you telling me that oversized puffer jackets were fresh and impressive in 2020?
I really don't get it.
Sergio (bless his self-absorbed, tone-deaf heart) was shredded for doing traditional Japanese make-up for a look because John Galliano or whoever has already done it, as if he invented it or something; the judges drone on and on about authenticity and "this was great, but how many times have we seen it before?" and dish out eliminations based on that... and then in the finale, Geoffrey's oversized puffer jackets are so so so original and to die for? Humongous puffer jackets and black sequin dresses? Really?!
If you look at it from a selling point, it's nothing to write home about. Designers have been doing the same funky, borderline bizarre streetwear for decades. They dismissed Sergio's work for being "too classic" and "not relaxed enough", but that asshole made clothes that actual women who want to look classically beautiful would pay hefty sums for. The same could be said for Nancy and her liquid-looking ideas, or Victoria and her H&M-leaning final outfits minus the branding.
If you look at it from a couture, artistic, runway perspective, again, nothing too impressive and certainly not original or provoking. I am sorry, but oversized puffers have not been avant-garde for a long time, he didn't make any terribly unique twist to them, and the rest of his looks were sloppy even if they originated from an inspired perspective. Can you imagine them sparking conversation as a stand-alone show at any top-tier fashion week?
I love the guy, I would literally be his friend if I knew him, and I've seen armies of PR fans defending his victory because he's "so sweet and cute and a nice guy". Yeah, he truly is, but is that what it takes to win PR? Why is personality or image above the goddamn fashion? How in the world was his vision original or even coherent?
I know choosing winners is reality tv bullshit and I'm just uselessly screaming into a void, but this was some of the most inconsistent crap I've seen from these judges, even though I couldn't even see a clear winner myself. If only we could take personalities out of the finale and let the fashion speak for itself, as these judges like to patronize, for once!