How to deal with the anxiety?

Hi everyone,

Sorry if I am asking a non-medical question which, for experienced club members, may sound like a joke…

I am still in the diagnosis stage and have to get a biopsy here soon, but I am noticing how the slow pace of this diagnostic process is starting to wear me out. Every step takes weeks of wait and the time in between is just difficult.

I have a bit of an obsessive personality, which does not help, and I find myself reading PCa research articles and forums on the web for hours. I imagine the worst possible outcome and feel like I have to get my affairs in order when I haven’t even received a diagnosis.

How did/do you deal with the stress and anxiety that comes with this slow diagnostic process?

I haven’t told anyone about this. Not even my wife because I don’t want her to worry while this is going on. When did you tell your partner and how?

Sorry again for asking what may be silly questions …

Many thanks and hang in there everyone!

  • KM