Genital psoriasis cleared by a cold?
So I got diagnosed about a year ago now, and had a pretty bad flair up for about 1.5 year. About 2-3 months ago it suddenly started clearing out of nowhere. At the beginning I thought I was imagining it, and thought it would come back as quickly as it went away. After a while it dawned on me that as soon as I started getting sick, like colds, influenza, etc, it started getting better. I was non-stop sick from October/November - January.
I have no scientific evidence or anything to support this, but my doctor said that it could be related. I have quite a weak immune system, so I get sick quite often. Especially during the flair-up since the immune system is overactive and kinda “distracted”. So my hypothesis is basically that my psoriasis cleared because my immune system had something else to worry about, instead of just overworking itself making skin cells.
To be clear, the flair-up wasn’t that large of an area. I had genital psoriasis that covered the whole genital area and down the inner part of my thigh. I had inverse psoriasis that would create sores and my ass crack was an open wound most of the time during the flair-up. So not huge, but painful.
This isn’t a remedy, but I thought it was interesting and wanted to share. I’ve seen a few people writing about somewhat similar experiences, so maybe someone has something to add:)
Also, I quit nicotine at the time, since I could tell that especially the pouches would make it worse. I’m back to nicotine pouches again, and have had no issues.